US marque Studebaker unveiled the ‘Gold Car’, which featured 8,000 parts finished in pure gold at the New York Auto Show

Saturday 6th January 1917

US marque Studebaker unveiled the ‘Gold Car’, which featured 8,000 parts finished in pure gold at the New York Auto Show. The following report was published in The Sacramento Union newspaper the following day:
‘NEW YORK, Jan. 13.—With a wondrous array of new models, the very latest offerings of America’s leading engineers and designers, in great numbers, variety of makes and body styles, and supported by a most spectacular decorative scheme, the 17th annual New York automobile show opene-d its doors to motordom at Grand Central palace*. It is the most comprehensive motor exposition and most representative of the industry ever held in this country, or abroad. Trade circles and “first nighters” are buzzing with gossip about some very original and Interesting surprises that were uncovered with the opening of the show. After the air of secrecy about the various exhibits had been lifted, and the public permitted to gaze upon the beautiful creations of the master builders, it was apparent that the Studebaker “Gold Car’’ was to be the* sensation o-f the show. Thousands of people crowded around the Studebaker exhibit from the opening of the show until closing time. The Studebaker “Gold Car” la the most expensive motor car ever built in the history of the industry. It is an evolution of the famous gold chassis of a year ago, yet even more wonderful and magnificent. It is a series 18 Studebaker six cylinder, seven passenger touring car, with tihe distinctive Victoria top in place, finished throughout in glistening white enamel
and gold. Over 400 ounces of 24 carat gold, it is stated, were used in finishing this gold car, and as it stands at the show it is valued at $30,000. All metal parts of this Studebaker car are finished in 24 carat gold, with the exception of the body, which is finished in a beautiful white enamel, enriched with hairline striipings of gold. The Victoria top is of white leather, lined inside with white moire silk, and the genuine white leather upholstery of the car harmonizes beautifully with its rich gold finish. The gold car is mounted on a huge French plate mirror, with a floor spread of rich, lustrous velour, The mirror reflects the chassis construction, which is of 24 carat gold throughout, and enables all who view the exhibit to observe its simplicity of construction and accessibility. The gold finish of this wondrous car of gold lights up the little details of both body and chassis and shows the refinement of finish and the perfection of manufacture. It puts the spot light on the beauty of design, luxury, refinement, dignity and care of construction of the Studebaker cars, and one cannot visit the show’ without going away with a better conception of the quality and perfection of .Studebaker manufacture. The Studebaker gold car is exhibited for the first time at the- New York show, and occupies the place of honor In the Studebaker booth on the main floor of Grand Central Palace’

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