What are Okay supplements to take with the Keto Diet?

The Keto diet has gained increased popularity. Especially among top business executives led by many of the Silicon Valley leaders. Keto diets fame and use have mainly been because they are believed to offer mental clarity and improve cognitive performance. The diet has also been found to aid weight loss.

The diet emphasizes a high fat and deficient carbohydrate intake. One is advised to take less than 50 grams of carbohydrates a day. Please note that a banana contains 23 grams of carbohydrates. That shows you how little the number of carbohydrates you should take in a day when under the diet.

Now that the Keto diet cuts out many food options, it’s advisable to supplement the lack of some specific essential nutrients.

Some of these supplements may help a dieter lower the chances of having keto diarrhea, keto flu, and even enhance athletic performance for athletes training while under the diet. Read more about these side effects at https://ketogenicdiet.reviews/keto-diarrhea-causes-symptoms-cure/.

Below are some of the supplements you can take while under the Keto diet.

1.         Omega-3 Fatty acids

Obtained from foods like krill oil, salmons, and sardines. These foods contain omega -3 fatty acids, which include; Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which lower heart risk disease, reduce inflammation, and prevent one from experiencing a mental decline.

Most Western diets tend to have more Omega -6 fatty acids gotten from processed foods and vegetable oils, and lesser of Omega -3 rich foods. This is unhealthy as it may lead to an increased risk of developing inflammatory diseases.

A 2016 study done on people under the keto diet found that those who took Omega-3 supplements experienced greater reductions in insulin, triglycerides, and inflammatory markers. Compared to those who didn’t take the supplement.

2.         Digestive enzymes

Many of the keto dieters have a complaint about its negative impact on their digestive system. This occurs when someone who has been used to taking lower amounts of fat may develop diarrhea and nausea.

The keto diet also promotes moderate protein intake. Still, this “moderate” protein intake may be higher than what some people are used to consuming. This may cause gastrointestinal side effects.

In case you experience; Nausea, bloating, or diarrhea while on a keto diet. Medical experts recommend taking a blend of digestive enzymes. One with lipase and protease enzymes is preferred as they break down fat and protein, respectively. Thus optimizing digestion.

3.         Greens Powder

It has long been said that people should increase their vegetable intake. What most don’t understand is why?

Vegetables contain plant compounds that help your body function optimally, lower your disease risk, and have been found to fight inflammation.

Although the Keto diet makes it harder for one to take the required amount of plant foods, not everyone that follows the keto diet lacks enough vegetable intakes.

A simple way of boosting your vegetable intake is by adding a green powder supplement to your diet. Many of the green powder supplements contain powdered plant mixtures; broccoli, kale, spinach, etc.

It would be highly beneficial for those under a keto diet to add greens powder supplements to their diet.

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