Monthly Vehicle Check-Up List

The maintenance of your vehicle is something incredibly important. In fact, it is a factor that could mean the difference between life and death on the open road. Other than this, a regular checkup and maintenance usually allow you to save money on major repairs, simply by diagnosing some potentially serious problems on time. There are a lot of inspection procedures that can only be done by a skilled mechanic but there are also some checkups that you can do on your own. With that in mind and without further ado, here are several things you should check on your vehicle on a monthly basis.

1.      Tire pressure

The first thing you need to check on a monthly basis is the pressure in the tires of your vehicle. Not only is this a reliable indicator of the state of your tires but also something that can affect the overall fuel consumption of the vehicle. In other words, properly inflated tires drastically improve your car’s MPG ratio. With a simple tire pressure gauge, you can make this estimate in a matter of seconds.

2.      Brakes

In of your entire vehicle, there isn’t a single part that’s more vital for your safety than the brakes. The most obvious sign that there’s something wrong with your fittings is a screeching sound when you use them. Still, if you wait for this to happen, your safety might already be compromised. So, as soon as you notice something’s wrong, take your car to a mechanic for a routine inspection.

3.      Oil

Some manuals suggest that you should replace your oil every 3,000 or 5,000 miles, yet, there’s nothing wrong with checking your oil levels once every month. This is quite useful, seeing as how you might be unaware of a leak in your vehicle, especially if you’re not regularly checking the garage floor after leaving the place. If there is a leak, you might also want to check or replace your AN fittings in order to avoid this problem recurring in the future.

4.      Antifreeze/coolant

Depending on the area that you live in, the temperatures might be so low/high that they affect the fluids in your vehicle. The ability of your vehicle to run smoothly directly depends on the state of the fluids in the system, which is why you need to add antifreeze when temperatures are incredibly low. When they’re high, you need to do the same with coolant. This, nonetheless, is both locational and situational.

5.      Lights

The last thing you need to inspect on a daily basis are the lights of your vehicle. Now, this is especially tricky, seeing as how you might not notice that one of your lights is malfunctioning. A lot of countries, nowadays, have the daytime headlight law and it’s even harder to notice this from the driver’s seat during the day. Other drivers might point your attention to this in various ways but this is not something that you can afford to rely on. Therefore, make sure to check for this every now and then, even more frequently than once every month.


Of course, there are numerous other things you need to check on your vehicle, yet, these inspections don’t have to be performed on a monthly basis. The reason why the above-listed five belong here is due to the fact that they usually don’t take more than a couple of minutes/seconds to diagnose, even fix. Simple as they may sound, they can drastically affect the readiness of your vehicle, as well as ensure your safety on the road.

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